Due to construction sites falling under the category of ‘most hazardous environments’ to work in, employers must ensure they provide a high standard of safety training to all employees before they can commence on the job, preventing and reducing any risk of injury occurring in the future.

If you have developed an injury or had an accident at work due to receiving insufficient training, you may qualify to make a claim for compensation through one of our ‘Construction Accident Claims’ lawyers. Michael & Sherms Legal Claim and Injury team can help you get the right compensation you deserve.

The standout factors that commonly cause injury within a construction sites are; use of faulty equipment, falling objects, traffic accidents that occur at the site and working from extreme heights. However, some injuries can evolve over a duration of time, such as asbestos which tends to develop over a period of 20 to 40 years.

The responsibility of carrying out adequate risk assessments on all areas of the site fall on the employer. In addition to this, employees should be educated on all the dangers that could arise at work.

Construction Site Accident Statistics

The construction industry records the most injuries on average every year. Research carried out in 2009, highlighted that for every 100,000 workers 2.5 of them would suffer from a work related injury and this resulted in over three million working days to be lost.

Current regulations such as The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Act and The Provision and Use of Work and Equipment Regulations 1998 Act, ensure employers minimise the risk of injuries presented to employees from use of falling objects, traffic accidents that occur on site, mishandled electricity, falling from extreme heights and from the use of faulty equipment. Furthermore, the employer must supply employees with protective equipment such as Helmets as a safety precaution, to further reduce the risk of injury.

Making a Construction Site Accident Claim

Missing days off work and paying for treatment to recover from an accident that happened at work is likely to affect you financially. By contacting Michael & Sherms Legal Claim and Injury team, we can help you get the compensation that helps amend for this. In addition, your employers are financially protected from any claim for compensation made against them, and so any working relations will not be put in danger. Also, due to you putting in a claim you employer could reevaluate and improve their health and safety procedures, ensuring that it is safer for you and your colleagues in the future.

Call Michael & Sherms Legal Claim and Injury team on 0161 624 3210 from any mobile device or landline and speak to one of our consultants about your construction accident.